Upadesha Saarah of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
Tattvabodhini – A commentary by Sri Jagadeeshwara Shastri
English Translation by G. Kameshwar
A profound and detailed commentary on Sri Ramana Maharshi’s Upadesa Saarah. Sri Jagadeeshwara Shastri mentioned that he wrote this treatise with the blessings of Bhagavan Ramana as Bhagavan mentioned that a detailed commentary may be written by him. The commentary, which is based fully on the teachings of Bhagavan Ramana, was seen and approved by Bhagavan.
The book contains a brief life sketch of Brahmasri V. Jagadeeshwara Shastri, Prapattyashtakam (Psalm of Surrender) composed by Sri Jagadeeshwara Shastri, the commentary in Sanskrit, and the English rendering of the commentary.
First Edition, 2020, Hardcover, Pages 407
Published by: Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning