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Sri Ramana Jayanti
  • 2021 Guru Purnima
  • 2021 Sri Sadisvara Mandiram Pratishta

Obeisance to the perfect Guru, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi,

who has revealed the Truth of the Self

in flawless instruction and eloquent Silence,

and who abides as That – Brahman.

He is doubtlessly Siva, destroying the illusion of bondage.

He reveals Self-Knowledge, perfect and true.

To absorb His teaching, practice it, and realize it

is to abide in eternal peace and illimitable bliss.

~ Nome

SAT Sages

The Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) is a spiritual nonprofit organization consecrated to the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, especially as revealed by Sri Ramana Maharshi. These teachings emphasize nondual Self-Knowledge and deal with Self-Realization, the primary means of attaining which is the spiritual practice of Self-Inquiry.

Spiritual guidance in the various sacred events at the SAT Temple is provided by Nome, a sage who practiced the inquiry for steady abidance in Self-Realization.

The Society of Abidance in Truth is known by the acronym SAT.  This corresponds to the Sanskrit term “Sat”, which means Truth, Reality, Existence, or Being.

Upcoming Special Events



Friday, Oct 11, 2024, 7:30 p.m.



Thursday, Oct 31, 2024, 7:30 p.m.


Skanda Shasti

Wednesday, Nov 6, 2024, 7:30 p.m.


The Truth Revealed Retreat

Friday, Nov 15 to Sunday, Nov 17

SAT Ramana Mobile App

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Spotify Satsangs Podcast