SAT Temple
The Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT) is a spiritual nonprofit organization consecrated to the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, especially as revealed by Sri Ramana Maharshi. These teachings emphasize nondual Self-Knowledge and deal with Self-Realization, the primary means of attaining which is the spiritual practice of Self-Inquiry.
Guidance in these teachings is provided by the recorded teachings of Vedanta since the ancient times of the Vedas, through Ribhu, Adi Sankara, and other sages, and in the writings and recorded dialogues of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
To fulfill its aims of the preservation and dissemination of the teachings of nondual Self-Knowledge in a manner that best serves the aspirations of those who seek this quintessential wisdom within themselves in order to secure lasting peace and happiness, SAT provides the following:
Spiritual guidance in the various sacred events conducted by SAT is provided by Nome, a sage who practiced the inquiry for steady abidance in Self-Realization. He places no emphasis on himself, but keeps the focus of the instruction entirely upon the Truth, Self-Knowledge, and Self-inquiry, turning the aspirants’ attention fully inward, for it is in this way that meditation, Self-inquiry, and Self-Knowledge truly open for one.
The SAT temple is a “Sat” temple, a temple of Being, of Truth, of Reality. It is an outer manifestation of the inner “Sat,” and they who knowingly approach it, worshiping and meditating within it, proceed from the manifested to the utterly transcendent, inner “Sat.” That is the Self, and this temple is for non-dualistic devotion and Self-Knowledge.
Please see the calendar for dates and times of the events. Please feel free to contact us for further information.
The Society of Abidance in Truth extends a heartfelt welcome to all who love this teaching of Advaita Vedanta and those who are only now just hearing about it so that
you may deeply revel in its complete and joyful perfection as revealed by our beloved Sad-Guru Sri Ramana Maharshi.
Blog posts:
1. The history of SAT: In Earlier Days .....
3. Siva Murtis at the SAT Temple: Siva Murtis..