If you wish to make donations in an ongoing way, please click on the following link: Ongoing Offerings
The Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT) is a spiritual nonprofit organization
[501(c)(3)] and relies on the loving donations of visitors and members to continue its various spiritual activities.
Your donations help to make it possible to hold Satsangs and many other sacred events in which teachings of nondual Self-Knowledge and guidance in Self-Inquiry are available for all.
Your donations also help SAT to publish books such as The Ribhu Gita, The Song of Ribhu, texts composed by Adi Sankara, teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, and other works that are of profound spiritual value.
Your donations are very much appreciated and are tax-deductible.
You may donate using your credit card by filling the form below.
If you wish to make donations in an ongoing way, please click on the following link: Ongoing Offerings