Bodiless Self – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Aug 11, 2024, Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Being free from misidentification with the body and ego. Dialogues on the freshness of Self-inquiry, thoughts and senses and the Self, other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 19 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: To know that I’m not the body, is it required to be conscious of all parts of the body?
Nome: What do you mean by “being conscious of all parts of the body”?
Questioner: When I say the body, most of the time I am conscious only of my head, or I see my hand.
Nome: Are you ever conscious of all of it at once?
Questioner: No.
Nome: So, you only know various parts.
Questioner: Yes.
Nome: Does Existence have parts? Or is it not indivisible? It could be said that you never experience all of the body at once.
Questioner: When I hit my leg, then I feel there is a pain in me. That is why I’m asking the question.
Nome: If you know that you are not the body, then, even if there is pain, you do not suffer. Suffering is the idea of being bound in the experience of pain. But are you the body? Your Existence has neither pain nor pleasure. Such qualities, or attributes, do not belong to it. Are you the head? Are you the hand? Are you in the middle of your back? What you know of the body is only the sensations. Apart from the sensations, what experience of the body do you have? Your Existence, though, the Self, is not like that. It does not depend on the senses, and, because it is free of the senses, it is world-less. Where there is no notion of “I,” no false belief in embodiment, and no world, there you are.
Questioner: The body is nothing but the senses. So, what do I do when I misidentify with them?
Nome: Like the body, you rarely experience all of the senses at the same time with equal intensity, So, you are not the body, and you are not the senses.
Questioner: If I am not the senses, then I cannot be in a world because the senses tell me about the world.
Nome: World-less, senseless, bodiless, “I”-less – you exist.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:14:44 // Satsang Om
00:16:43 // Discourse Bodiless Self
00:40:07 // Q1 Neither coming nor going
00:47:18 // Q2 Ignorance grows stale, the Self is always fresh
00:58:05 // Q3 Are you the head?
01:08:11 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:15:23 // Final Meditation
01:17:15 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 19 Verse 41
01:34:37 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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For Whom? – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth on July 28, 2024, Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the nature of the Self and Self-Inquiry. Dialogues on freedom from expectation, good news, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 19 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: The approach to stopping my thought is not working, but when I let go of the importance of the thought, the thought resolves. When I say importance, it can mean expectation. Is this correct approach?
Nome: For whom are the thoughts? You, your Existence, cannot be a thought. Mistaking thoughts, thinking they exist, and being attached to the content of the thought is delusive. You are not one thought, nor are you many thoughts. Indeed, whatever is thought is not you. Inquiry is for the purpose of Self-Knowledge. The entirety of such Knowledge is thought-transcendent. You mention expectation, what are you expecting?
Questioner: I have attachment to the outcome of a decision.
Nome: You have to make some decisions – is that you? The one who decides – what is his nature? Always, determine your identity, what you are. Attachment always involves mistaken notions about what is happiness, its source, and its nature. If you decide the right way, you will be happy, and if you decide some other way, you will be unhappy. That is the supposition. Is it true?
Questioner: No, it is not.
Nome: If it is not true, do not do that anymore. If you inquire deeply, you will find the happiness you are expecting is you.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:50 // Satsang Om
00:19:38 // Discourse For Whom?
00:45:38 // Q1 The good news of bodiless being
00:53:00 // Q2 Your Existence cannot be a thought
01:02:51 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:08:04 // Final Meditation
01:09:56 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 19 Verse 1
01:26:27 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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The Self is Existence – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth ( SAT Temple) on June 30, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the Self, existence-consciousness-bliss and existent-existence, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 18 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: I have a few friends pondering leaving their bodies, and it may be imminent. What should they look for? You discussed persistence, and I wondered how to persist in the meditation.
Nome: You are naturally drawn to that which represents your happiness. Knowledge of the source and nature of happiness is the root of persistence and the basis of nonattachment, nonattachment toward the unreal. Immerse yourself. Be absorbed. Absorption in Self-Knowledge is absorption in bliss. Absorption is Self-Knowledge is transcendence beyond birth and death. Be absorbed in your Self.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:06 // Satsang Om
00:18:51 // Discourse The Self is Existence
00:53:38 // Q1 The Knowledge that you exist
01:01:43 // Q2 Naturally drawn to happiness
01:10:45 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:18:01 // Final Meditation
01:19:52 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 18 Verse 1
01:34:23 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Who Realizes What? – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on July 14, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the realization of the Self. Dialogues on the nature of the guru, communication in silence, knowledge, learning, and the mind, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 18 of the Song of Ribhu.
Nome’s Discourse: By Self-Knowledge, realize yourself to be the one Self, which alone exists eternally. Who realizes what? The one Self is of the nature of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. It is devoid of otherness. It is without differentiation. It is changeless. It is infinite and illimitable. It is bodiless. It is not perceptible to the senses. It is not conceivable. It is your real identity, Brahman. It is not individualized, and it is known with Knowledge that is non-objective in nature. It is entirely motionless. If it is not an embodied individual and is of a nature that is non-objective. Who realizes what? To think of yourself as if bound is merely ignorance. Ignorance is destroyed by clear Knowledge, Self-Knowledge. It is the Knowledge of Existence, your Existence. Existence is itself the Knowledge. Who is to know the Self? The body does not know it. Something bodiless knows, and it itself is the Knowledge. Who knows the Knowledge, the Existence? The senses do not know it. It is not something that can be seen or heard, etc. Who knows? The mind does not know it. Indeed, it is the knower, the unknown knower of all that is known. The individual does not know Self-Knowledge. Indeed, individuality is merely a false assumption superimposed upon the Existence that alone knows itself. Or, from another perspective, who is it that does not know the Self? Is there one who is separate from Brahman that does not know it? For whom is ignorance? The one Self alone exists eternally, and you are only that. Inquire, so there is not the least trace of misidentification; thus, Brahman has known itself. The Self reposes just as it is.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:16 // Satsang Om
00:17:06 // Discourse Who Realizes What?
00:40:19 // Q1 What is the nature of the Guru?
00:45:57 // Q2 What is the nature of the mind?
00:53:15 // Q3 Silence answers questions on silence
00:58:20 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:02:35 // Final Meditation
01:04:26 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 18 Verse 35
01:18:46 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Wishing to Know – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on July 7, 2024, Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Self-Knowledge. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 18 of the Song of Ribhu.
Nome’s Discourse: What is it that you wish to know? All your questions [can be distilled] down to one, “Who am I?” You are of the nature of Being-Consciousness-Bliss, un-decaying, changeless, indestructible, formless, and hence bodiless. You are of a nature that is birthless and deathless, beginningless and endless. Cease to misidentify with the body or conceiving of yourself as an individual entity, and you will discern how this is so. Beyond the senses are you. You are not a sensed thing, nor a sensing entity, unseen, unheard, imperceptible, and inconceivable. Such is your nature, and that nature is Brahman, the infinite and eternal. Always you wish to know. You wish to know what is real. To know what is real, know yourself, for the way you identify yourself determines what you believe to be real or not. If, for example, you misidentify with the body, you then regard the world as real. If you know yourself as being bodiless, then what world is there? Only the Existence of the Self is. Similarly, if you misidentify with the mind, you regard your thoughts as real, as some sort of valid knowledge. If you inquire so as to disidentify from the mind, questioning the mind’s very existence, then thought is not the reality. If neither the content nor an occurrence of thought is real, what then exists? The Existence is Consciousness. Consciousness alone can know yourself. Consciousness is self-luminous. It is real, just as Sat, Existence, is real. Indeed, Existence and Consciousness are the same thing, and that one thing is self-known, self-luminous, and self-existent, not dependent upon anything else to be or to be known. The nature of the knower should be known. You are the unknown knower of all that is known – the Upanishads make this quite clear. So, what will you wish to know? Every object that ever appears also disappears. There is something that does not appear or disappear at any time. What is that? It is Existence without beginning or end. What comes, also goes. What is born, certainly dies. There is one thing, though, that is changeless. It is not a thing at all and is realized with nonobjective Knowledge. Regard that alone as your true Self, the only self that there actually is. You always exist and have never experienced nonexistence. Existence exists and always exists. It must be changeless, never modified, and never interrupted. If such is your nature, what else would you need to know? Know yourself, not in a manner as if you were two, a knower self and a known self, but with true Knowledge, with Knowledge that is neither a sensation nor a concept.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:11 // Satsang Om
00:20:39 // Discourse Wishing to Know
00:57:56 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:03:55 // Final Meditation
01:05:47 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 18 Verse 18
01:19:29 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Always – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on June 23, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the ever-existent Self. Dialogues on mantra and inquiry, detachment and bodiless Being, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 17 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: Namaste Swami. When inquiring, how can I ensure that I’m detached?
Nome: How do you know that you are detached? By the unbroken happiness that is its result.
Questioner: I feel connected to a body, and, when I inquire, I do not feel that I’m detached.
Nome: Even now, how are you connected to the body? There is the Self that is perpetual Consciousness, perpetual Existence. The body is not perpetual. How can there be any connection between your Self and the body? The one who is now considering this – is he a body? The one who would confuse the body for the Self, is he a body? If the ignorant one is not a body, how much more so for one who knows he is not a body.? As you are not a body, the qualities of a body should not be regarded as yours. If there is no misidentification with the body, where then is attachment? Your happiness, your Existence, remains unbroken.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:17:08 // Satsang Om
00:24:38 // Discourse Always
00:51:02 // Q1 Mantra and Self-inquiry
01:05:48 // Q2 What is the connection between the Self and the body?
01:13:56 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:20:44 // Final Meditation
01:22:36 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 17 Verse 35
01:39:19 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Know the Self – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth on June 16, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Self-Knowledge. Dialogues on self-control, movement and who is still, the unreality of thoughts and the unreality of the world, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 17 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: In the book on the requisites, self-control is outlined as one of the six essentials. It is clear to me that I do not have self-control, because it was mentioned that one who does not have self-control does not retain spiritual instruction, and there can be moments of great insight which are followed by utter ignorance. How do I gain self-control?
Nome: If you wish for self-control, simply determine the source and nature of happiness. Furthermore, you should know that thought is not real. You are not a thought, and thought is not real. It cannot define you. When you imagine otherwise, such is simply delusion. Inquiry for true Knowledge puts an end to it. Moreover, who controls whom? Quite obviously, there are not two of you.
Questioner: There is still confusion. No action can lead to Self-Knowledge, but self-control is a necessary discipline.
Nome: If you are the source and nature of happiness, where is desire, or where is fear?
Questioner: When the mind is too active, it is not experienced in its depth, experience of peace, so the reason why self-control seems to be essential.
Nome: What are you drawn to and why?
Questioner: Always to find happiness.
Nome: That perfect fullness, that sublime happiness, is in the very nature of your Existence. Do you think that Brahman needs self-control? Well, you are Brahman, and if you clarify the Knowledge of your identity, the question subsides.
Questioner: It is very clear. Thank you.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:19 // Satsang Om
00:22:39 // Discourse Know the Self
00:40:32 // Q1 For self-control
00:50:30 // Q2 Transcendence of body consciousness
00:55:01 // Q3 Thought is unreal and never occurred
01:06:25 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:13:05 // Final Meditation
01:14:56 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 17 Verse 19
01:26:36 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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What is the Self – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on June 9, 2024, Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on what the Self is. Dialogues on the mind and Self-Knowledge, spiritual conviction, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 17 of the Song of Ribhu.
Nome’s Discourse: The Self – what is it? Who am I? It is of the nature of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. It always is the same. Changeless, it is without beginning and end. Indivisible, your Self has no parts. Invariable, nothing ever modifies it. It is absolutely still, and it never moves out of itself. Timeless, without location, it is bodiless, free of form. It is perfectly full, full of its own nature, just as Existence always is. What do you attribute to it, and what is, indeed, the truth regarding the Self? Do you attribute what is not the Self to the Self, such as the body, the qualities of the body, and the activities of such? Are you a body? Do you attribute what is conceived in the mind to the Self? Are you what appears in the mind, conceived in a waking or dreaming state? Is individuality your attribute, or is your nature egoless, free from thought? What is the Self? Can it be anything objectively conceived? If you abandon the objectifying tendency, what remains of the Self? Nothing of “I” and “this” pertain to it. What is being described as the Self is, indeed, yourself, your real identity, of the nature of Being-Consciousness-Bliss, Sat-Chit-Ananda. An Upanishad describes it as Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam, the truth, the Knowledge, the infinite. What is the Self? It is Brahman, the vast absolute. It is Existence that ever-exists. It is Consciousness, which is Knowledge itself. It is infinite, and thus without bondage. It is complete happiness and not something removed from you. What is the Self? What is the nature of the one who wishes to realize this? The Self itself is the Knowledge of itself. It is that in which knowing and Being are one and the same. To abide as it, with an utter absence of misidentification, is the Knowledge. What is the Self? Who are you? Bodiless, mind-transcendent, egoless, it is the Reality, the Existence that is one without a second. Because it is one and without a second, it is referred to as the infinite. It is quite measureless. That is Brahman; that is Siva; that is God; that is what you are. It is endless. Inwardly inquire to know yourself.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:43 // Satsang Beginning
00:17:37 // Discourse What is the Self
00:49:00 // Q1 The mind is not stable but your Existence is
00:56:12 // Q2 Existence has no alternative
01:04:01 // Q3 Conviction in this Knowledge is natural
01:10:54 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:20:00 // Final Meditation
01:21:52 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 17 Verse 1
01:33:42 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
The True Nature of the Self – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on June 02, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the nature of the Self. Dialogues on the true nature of the meditator, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 17 of the Song of Ribhu.
Quote from Satsang:
Questioner: On Friday, you instructed us to find the nature of the meditator, and I was trying to practice your instruction. It dawned upon me that there is something that is quietly aware, and it is more natural to be the silent awareness than to create an action.
Nome: Silence is indicative of egolessness. That which results in egolessness is right meditation. What do you take yourself to be? Yes, meditation should be on the nature of the meditator. To discern this, your vision must be nonobjective. The Self may be described in ever so many ways – what is being described? It is the Self, of course, which means yourself. Who are you? What you are, you are always. What are you always?
0:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
15:05 // Satsang Beginning
26:38 // Discourse The True Nature of the Self
42:16 // Q1 Silence is indicative of egolessness
52:14 // Q2 You are always aware
58:25 // Q3 What pertains to you?
1:07:17 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
1:14:13 // Final Meditation
1:16:05 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 16 Verse 35
1:26:53 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
Existence of the Self – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Oct 09, 2022. Initial silence is followed by spiritual instruction on the nature of the Self. Dialogues on happiness and detachment, thought, mukti, success in practice, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Ashtavakra Gita and in Tamil from chapter 29 of the Song of Ribhu.
Transcript of the Satsang is available in Reflections:
No Need of Thought – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth on Apr 24, 2016. Initial silence is followed by spiritual instruction on Self-Knowledge and its non-dependence on thought. Dialogues on happiness, use of an analogy, the one Self, the imaginary nature of the ego, Self-Realization, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Gaudapada’s Karika of Mandukya Upanishad and in Tamil from chapter 28 of the Song of Ribhu.
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Questions – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth on Dec 12, 2021. Initial silence is followed by spiritual instruction on the Self and Reality. Dialogues on happiness and nonobjective vision, the absence of obstacles, the not newly attained nature of Self-Realization and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Svatmanirupanam and in Tamil from chapter 14 of the Song of Ribhu.
The True Nature of the Self – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth ( SAT Temple) on Jan 15, 2023. Initial silence is followed by spiritual instruction on the nature of the Self, Being-Consciousness-Bliss. Dialogues on the body and the Self, Sakti and Annapurna, the true-good-and-beautiful, freedom from the assumption of an ego, detachment and renunciation, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Annapurnopanishad and in Tamil from chapter 35 of the Song of Ribhu.
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I and My – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Apr 23, 2023. Initial silence is followed by spiritual instruction on freedom from the notions of “I” and “my.” Dialogues on happiness, no other self, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Katha Upanishad and in Tamil from chapter 40 of the Song of Ribhu.
Transcript of the Satsang is available in Reflections:
I – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Oct 22, 2023. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the significance of “I” and from where it comes. Dialogues on experience and Knowledge, the unreal, the mind and desires, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Avadhuta Gita and in Tamil from chapter 5 of the Song of Ribhu.
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