The Peace of Self-Knowledge – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth on Dec 22, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the Existence of the Self. Dialogues on sphurana of the Self, breath control, freedom from difficulty, the place of Self-inquiry, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Anatma-Sri-Vigarhana-Prakaranam by Adi Sankaracarya and in Tamil from chapter 25 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: I wonder how one cannot know oneself. There is confusion when one assumes there is birth. There is an appreciation of hearing the teaching about Existence, but it seems that only the words of the Guru can help one realize it.
Nome: Who does not realize what?
Questioner: There is a sense of an individualized being.
Nome: What constitutes the individualized being.
Questioner: That it exists and is aware, but it is limited by the body, mind, and suffering, so, I must be free of the bondage.
Nome: Bondage is only ignorance, and ignorance is only misidentification. Again, who misidentifies? Are there two selves? one being the Self and one that does not know the self? Your Existence is only one and ever indivisible. If you misidentify with the body, you are limited by it. If you misidentify with the mind, likewise, you are limited by it, but freeing yourself wisely, ceasing to misidentify, what limitation is there? Without a body, you have no birth or death.
Questioner: Then why is it so difficult to dispel the ignorance? If the unreal is seen, it should be dispelled because it is unreal.
Nome: Where does the idea of difficulty come in? Are you experiencing difficulty in existing right now?
Questioner: The unreal still persists.
Nome: Inquire and discern what the real nature of the jiva or individual is. Again, who finds it difficult? Are there two of you or a multiplicity?
Questioner: No, it is the assumed ego.
Nome: We can say the idea of difficulty and the idea of an individualized self are the same thing. So, the ego creates the difficulty for itself. The Self has nothing to do with any of that. Can you really take a step outside the Self?
Questioner: No. It was explained before that nothing is but the Self, and even thought is Consciousness.
Nome: For that which is formless, that is Consciousness, there can be no multiplicity.
Questioner: The peace seems to be right there, but it is not experienced.
Nome: What is it that you do not experience? Do you ever experience nonexistence?
Questioner: I exist, and I know that I exist.
Nome: Where Existence is, there is Consciousness, and there is bliss. For Consciousness, there is no non-knowing.
Questioner: When there is misidentification, that peace is lost. When there is no misidentification, then one remains as the Self.
Nome: That is so, but for whom is the experience of being lost? To know yourself as you truly are is to find the happiness and peace that have never been missing. There is no difficulty with that which is natural. What is natural is what is innate. What is innate neither comes nor goes. Whether one thinks it is natural or not, you have to inquire; you must know yourself. So, if you think it is difficult, do it anyway, but really there is no difficulty in knowing the Self.
Questioner: After listening to you, inquiry will take place. Thank you.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:42 // Satsang Om
00:21:00 // Discourse The Peace of Self-Knowledge
00:47:24 // Q1 The Self shining forth
00:53:36 // Q2 Who does not realize what?
01:06:48 // Q3 What is it that is aware?
01:11:40 // Recitation Anatma-Sri-Vigarhana-Prakaranam
01:18:01 // Final Meditation
01:19:53 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 25 Verse 19
01:35:04 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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The Knower – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on December 1, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the nature of the Self. Dialogues on control of the mind, the thinker and attention, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Nondual Pentad of Gems (Advaita-panca-ratnam) by Adi Sankaracarya and in Tamil from chapter 24 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: The Knowledge of the Self cannot be gained by thought, but control of thought is advised, and there are meditations to control thought. There was an explanation during the retreat about controlling prana.
Nome: Yes, but it is not permanent. Ceasing the misidentification with thought is permanent.
Questioner: There are thousands of thoughts that are so distracting. Does not thought have to be silent to inquire?
Nome: The knower of the thought is already silent. Abide in the Knowledge that alone is what you are, and thought can never describe you. What does not define you, does not confine you. There are, you say, thousands of thoughts. Of what are they made? What composes the thought?
Questioner: All that which is experienced and the impressions of the experience composes thought.
Nome: That tells you the forms of the thoughts; what is the substance of them? Of what is thought made? Do you ever experience a thought without the Consciousness that knows it?
Questioner: No.
Nome: Yet, Consciousness cannot be a thought, and it is never modified. So, thought is not true regarding yourself, and thought, itself, does not exist. Thought appears to have a dependent existence, but that which is entirely dependent on something else to be, does not exist.
Questioner: Without Consciousness, there is no substance to thought, but it appears to have a form?
Nome: For whom does it appear to have a form? Are you a thinker?
Questioner: It appears that I am a thinker, but it is a vague notion of a thinker.
Nome: The idea that “I am a thinker” is only just another thought. It is not you.
Questioner: All problems are centered around the idea that I am a thinker.
Nome: Without the thinker, and the thought, the “I” and the “mind”, where is bondage? Where is suffering? Happiness and peace are revealed as your own nature, not something to be attained, but something innate. Peace and happiness are of the ever-existent. No thought is ever-existent.
Questioner: So, the ceasing of misidentification with thought is the only way.
Nome: Yes, this is the direct way. Just clear up the question of your identity, what you consider yourself to be and what you truly are. That discrimination becomes wisdom, Self-Knowledge, and then no further control of the mind is needed, nor would it be possible.
Questioner: Thank you.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:01 // Satsang Om
00:20:23 // Discourse The Knower
00:42:41 // Q1 Prana vs Self-inquiry
00:53:30 // Q2 If you are a thinker, you would always be a thinker
01:02:33 // Recitation Advaita-panca-ratnam
01:07:15 // Final Meditation
01:09:06 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 24 Verse 17
01:23:27 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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What Do You Think You Are – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) Nov 24, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the mind and thought. Dialogues on the mind, freedom from thought, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Contemplation on Brahman (Brahmanucintanam) by Adi Sankaracarya and in Tamil from chapter 24 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: You said anything is just a thought and that the object portion should be negated. Can you clarify what you mean when you say, “Do not misidentify with any thought”? I was seeing that all my actions are dictated by what I take myself to be. I am not clear on how to do it.
Nome: What is the lack of clarity? Is there a thought that is you? Or consider the personality a group of thoughts; who knows them? If you are not something that is conceived in thought, what are you?
Questioner: I have taken my thoughts to be real, my personality.
Nome: But are they? Are they you? Which thought is you? You are always the knower and never the known. Thought is not a knower; it is merely the known.
Questioner: I give importance to thought, and then I forget the knower.
Nome: Thoughts are not important; they are not real, and they are not you. The primal “I thought,” or ego, is the least important, and it is the most unreal, and it is not at all you.
Questioner: You say, “Do not misidentify with any thought.” I must meditate, “I am not the thoughts.”
Nome: Yes, that is right. Sever the misidentification. If you sever the misidentification, where is bondage?
Questioner: The misidentification is when I take the thought to be real. I must discriminate and know the knower.
Nome: Yes, that is antarmukha dristi, inward turned introspection of the mind. A mind that ceases to believe in its imaginings reveals itself as the very nature of Brahman. Does Brahman have a personality? Brahman is, indeed, what you are alone.
Questioner: The belief in the thoughts that make the world seem real should be questioned by asking, “For whom is it?” to eliminate the false belief.
Nome: “For whom?” indicates the direction, which is nonobjective. The world is entirely unreal. What is real is just Existence, unformed, uncreated, and unborn. Ribhu has emphasized the unreality of the world in numerous chapters in the Ribhu Gita. Why do you think that he places so much emphasis on it?
Questioner: That seems to be the cause of the entanglement, and I become the center of the world.
Nome: Without “this” and without “I,” where is the entanglement?
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:33 // Satsang Om
00:18:02 // Discourse What Do You Think You Are
00:40:37 // Q1 What do you think you are?
00:49:15 // Q2 The bare assumption
00:51:18 // Q3 Is there a mind?
00:57:05 // Q4 Is a thought you?
01:11:40 // Recitation Srih Brahmanucintanam
01:17:19 // Final Meditation
01:19:11 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 24 Verse 1
01:32:06 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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No Difference – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth on May 19, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the nature of the egoless Self. Dialogues on Nirguna puja, bodiless Being, transcendence of the “I,” and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 16 of the Song of Ribhu
Questioner: I was reading Nirguna Manasa Puja yesterday, and this stotra discusses worship without attributes. Bhagavan says “By whatever means, by whatever name and form, one worships that which is without name and form”. As stated today, there is no “I” or “this,” so the highest form of worship has to be of that nature. What is worship and how to worship?
Nome: To be “I”-less is to worship. With apparent name and form, one worships that which is nameless and formless. To be without the concepts of “I” and “this” is proper worship. Worship of the attributeless one – what is the attributeless? Only Brahman. You are attributeless. Thus, in your real nature, there are no differences. Abidance as blissful Being is worship. Dissolution of the ego is worship. In Self-Knowledge, there are no such differences of the object worshiped or a separate worshiper. The worship goes on forever.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:54 // Satsang Om
00:20:36 // Discourse No Difference
00:40:30 // Q1 Being “I-less” is to worship
00:49:20 // Q2 None of the perceptible and conceivable is you or yours
00:56:14 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:01:47 // Final Meditation
01:03:39 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 16 Verse 18
01:14:48 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Freedom From Ignorance – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Nov 10, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the true nature of the Self. Dialogues on freedom from misidentification, the meaning of undifferentiated, effort in spiritual practice, internal, nonobjective inquiry and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 23 of the Song of Ribhu.
Nome’s Discourse: If you know what the true nature of the Self is, you find that it is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss, without beginning and without end. It is changeless and, hence, birthless and deathless. It always is as it is and undergoes no modification at any time. It is partless, indivisible, and undifferentiated. It is entirely bodiless, entirely formless. It is self-luminous. It transcends all perception of the senses, and transcends every thought, being inconceivable. It is eternal, timeless. It is infinite, having no location. It is called Brahman because of its expansiveness, being limitless. This is yourself, the only self that you are. It is silent and egoless. What is it that causes you to think of yourself as otherwise? What do you consider yourself to be? To imagine yourself to be otherwise is only misidentification. Misidentification is just ignorance, made of the stuff of imagination. With ignorance comes the idea of being bound and suffering, all of which is needless. To be free of suffering, put an end to bondage. To be free of bondage, be free of ignorance. To be free of ignorance, inquire to know the true nature of the Self. For whom is ignorance? The assumption of being a bound individual is not true. If you inquire as to who is ignorant, ignorance vanishes. It vanishes because it is unreal. What is real is always so, changeless. What is always so about you? It is not a body. It is not the mind. It is nothing perceptible. Your senses do not tell you what is real. It is inconceivable, and immutable. Not one of your thoughts is always so. Inquire within yourself, “Who am I?” and abide changelessly as the changeless Self. For that alone is what you are. That alone is real. That alone can know itself. That is Brahman. That is truly you.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:27 // Satsang Om
00:19:58 // Discourse Freedom From Ignorance
00:44:43 // Q1 The meaning of undifferentiated
00:53:28 // Q2 Personal meditations
00:59:05 // Q3 What do you expect when you inquire?
01:06:21 // Q4 How can you acquire yourself?
01:14:10 // Recitation Srih Brahmanucintanam
01:19:24 // Final Meditation
01:21:16 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 23 Verse 20
01:37:20 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Knowledge and Existence – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) Nov 3, 2024, Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the Existence of the Self. Dialogues on pain, death, and transcendent freedom, knowledge that is nonobjective and certain, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 23 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: Reflecting on Friday night’s meditation about non-dual absorption, which I have never experienced, is a non-dual meditation without mental modification and non-objective. I was thinking there must be effort, someone who is trying to meditate. The power of inquiry comes from the Self, but there is a requirement for the mind to be pure, disinterested in the sense objects, and the vasanas prevent absorption.
Nome: That which obstructs the absorption in the Self is not real. The obstruction itself is unreal. The absorption, even more than the disappearance of mental thought, etc., the absorption is that of your identity. Therein lies the depth. Therein lies non-duality. Absorption of your identity is the inquiry. Who is obstructed? What is his nature? What is the supposed individual? What are you? The idea that you cannot reach it, should similarly be abandoned. Who could be separate from the Self? Who is it that appears not to know? As you can see, your question included the answer. The Existence or nature of the questioner is itself the answer. Knowledge is not something that happens to you. The Existence or Consciousness is the Knowledge. How could it not know itself? The cessation of misidentification with anything gross or subtle is the absorption. When all that can be negated has been negated, what remains? This is not “I”, that is not “I” – who remains? As for purity of mind, a pure mind is one that ceases to believe in its own imagination.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:55 // Satsang Om
00:20:16 // Discourse Knowledge and Existence
00:42:54 // Q1 Suffering is avoidable
00:51:29 // Q2 Existence cannot cease to exist
00:59:22 // Q3 You know that you exist
01:05:40 // Q4 Obstruction is unreal
01:16:57 // Recitation Srih Brahmanucintanam
01:21:55 // Final Meditation
01:23:46 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 23 Verse 1
01:39:08 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Only the Ever-existent – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) Oct 27, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Self-inquiry, happiness, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 22 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: Namaste Bhagavan. Can you clarify what is the difference between Consciousness and awareness? We say he gained Consciousness, or he lost Consciousness.
Nome: If it is gained or lost, it is not Consciousness, but just the perceptions of the mind. By awareness, we mean perception, conception. It has a subject and an object. Consciousness transcends all that. Knowing the Self to be transcendent of concepts and percepts, we call Knowledge.
Questioner: When a person is in a coma, there is no body awareness.
Nome: Existence does not cease, and Existence is Consciousness. Consciousness is still there, but thought is not, inclusive of awareness of the body. The states of mind, waking, dreaming, and deep sleep, are just states of mind, and not states of Consciousness.
Questioner: When the body dies, is the Consciousness or awareness lost?
Nome: The perceptions and conceiving, all that takes place in the context of being aware of something, is lost. Consciousness is not lost.
Questioner: Is it possible to know Consciousness, Chit, while I am awake?
Nome: Yes, it is certainly possible, and it is the purpose for which one engages in self-inquiry.
Questioner: Is it a deep void state without any thoughts?
Nome: Whether with thoughts or without thoughts, what are you?
Questioner: Consciousness, but I am still confused. When Consciousness is negating body and thoughts, but, when I am sleeping, Consciousness is not there.
Nome: Thinking is not there, but why do you say that Consciousness is not there? In fact, it is Consciousness alone that is responsible for knowing “I have slept well,” or “I had no thoughts,” and such. Identify with Consciousness, not with anything that is objective. What comes and goes is not the Self. The Self, indeed, is forever. You cannot recall a time when you were not, nor will you cease to be in the future. Existence is not inert. Existence is Consciousness.
Questioner: When there is no mind, who is there to say, “I am blissful”?
Nome: Yes, you would not have that thought if there were no mind, but Consciousness is something else. There are states of mind and innumerable thoughts and modes of mind. The Self, which is pure Consciousness, unmixed with anything, transcends all that.
Questioner: When you say Consciousness, Bliss, and Existence, may I assume that the bliss is only for the mind?
Nome: No. Bliss is the very nature of the Existence. Sat-Chit-Ananda, Being-Consciousness-Bliss, or Existence-Consciousness-Bliss – that knows itself. It is self-luminous, it is Self-Knowledge, which means that it is Knowledge of the Self by the Self. The mind has no place in that. The differentiating, which is called the mind, is not there.
Questioner: Thank you, Bhagavan, I love you.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:12 // Satsang Om
00:19:40 // Discourse Only the Ever-existent
00:40:01 // Q1 Are you “the Carol”?
00:42:36 // Q2 Realizing the permanence of happiness
00:56:09 // Q3 Consciousness transcends conception
01:05:02 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:11:45 // Final Meditation
01:13:36 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 22 Verse 31
01:27:01 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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What You Are, What You Consider Yourself to Be – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Oct 20, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Self-inquiry, freedom from anger etc. happiness and contrary modes of mind, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 22 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: Last week, we talked about seeking the company of a sage, and you said it is best to approach with humility and inquisitiveness – thank you. A while back, I felt I was making progress in situations with agitated feelings, discontent, etc., and I was able to distance myself from that response. You said that if you keep inquiring, there will be no response. I recently had experiences of being tailgated, computer programs crashing constantly, and I did not respond to these. There is still doership. So, how to proceed?
Nome: The various emotions you are speaking of, they appear when you overlook the source and nature of happiness. They, too, will disappear if there is clarity regarding the source and nature of happiness. When something goes in a direction that you would rather not have it, there is no reason, just because of that, to overlook your happiness. In the end, you will find that happiness is something you are and not something you feel. It is of an uncaused nature.
Questioner: So, if it is uncaused, it can be continuous and non-dependent?
Nome: It is immeasurable. In whatever manner it may occur, ignorance vanishes by Knowledge. Knowledge shines for those who inquire. Your natural state is one that is free of unhappiness, free of fear, free of craving, free of anger. None of those belong to the Self. Would we say that Brahman got angry? (laughter) It is absurd. Mistake yourself to be the ego, the individual, then all the ignorance starts with that. In order to obtain that Knowledge, which is transcendent or free of all illusion, all delusion, you must know yourself. How to obtain that Knowledge? Approach with intense inquisitiveness and humility. The ego is not real, and it is certainly not important.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:36 // Satsang Om
00:21:53 // Discourse What You Are, What You Consider Yourself to Be
00:41:55 // Q1 Clarity knowing the source and nature of happiness
00:55:59 // Q2 Questioning the reality of the waking and dreaming states
01:07:47 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:14:56 // Final Meditation
01:16:47 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 22 Verse 16
01:28:42 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Certainty – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) April 28, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the certainty of the Self. Dialogues on happiness and when all feels well, Self-Knowledge, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 16 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: This teaching is perfect, and thank you for your inspiring discourse, the instruction of certainty of the Self. From an individual and maya, it is not continuous. My goal is a peaceful state of mind even in intense activity.
Nome: The root of peace is the changeless. When you feel that the certainty is not continuous, your Existence is though, and your knowing of Existence is still. That certainty never disappears. Who is it that is not certain? You are certain of him. Your inquiry should be of the nature of the doubtless. I am is certain. I am “this” or “that” is not so certain.
Questioner: I am not able to separate “this” and “that” from I am.
Nome: You are the certainty. That certainty is simply the nature of Existence. Its nature is also Consciousness in which one finds the certainty of Knowledge, and its nature is bliss for it is the peace of the perfect fullness, purnam.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:19 // Satsang Om
00:19:11 // Discourse Certainty
00:46:04 // Q1 “Rightness” comes from your nature
00:56:12 // Q2 The root of peace is changeless
01:06:01 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:11:29 // Final Meditation
01:13:21 // Recitation Song of Ribhu Chapter 15 Verse 35
01:24:41 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Consciousness – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Oct 13, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Consciousness and Self-Knowledge. Dialogues on a perturbed mind and Self-inquiry, transcendence of the three states of the mind, the knower, the knowing, and the known, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 22 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: Namaste. You mentioned that one must clarify the identity. What is it that has the awareness?
Nome: The discrimination that clarifies the question of identity can only be inherent in the Self. If it were something apart from the Self, what kind of knowledge would that be?
Questioner: (laughter) Yes, so it is naturally self-reflective.
Nome: Yes, it is self-known, self-luminous. An ignorant one cannot discriminate, but you are not an ignorant one – no one is. Discriminate between what is the Self and what is not.
Questioner: Because the one cannot possibly be ignorant.
Nome: So, it is not really a choice or choiceless. That does not fit into it at all. By Self-inquiry, you realize that which has no alternative. That alone is the significance of Advaita, nonduality.
Questioner: There appears to be a layer of ignorance that is lost in the creation of separate objects.
Nome: They are not really so. If you inquire for whom they appear, both that one and the appearance vanish, being unreal, and only the self-knowing Consciousness remains.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:19 // Satsang Om
00:20:32 // Discourse Consciousness
00:37:33 // Q1 What is it that knows the mind?
00:42:25 // Q2 Not in any kind of state
00:51:51 // Q3 Inherent in the Self – clarification of identity
00:55:54 // Q4 Do thoughts have binding quality?
01:00:37 // Q5 Consciousness is the only knower
01:08:20 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:14:01 // Final Meditation
01:15:52 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 22 Verse 1
01:30:29 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Always Real – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth on (SAT Temple) Oct 6, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the ever-existent nature of the Self, which is the Reality. Dialogues on inquiry without difficulty, discrimination, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 21 of the Song of Ribhu.
Nome’s Discourse: That which is real is always real. That which is your existence always exists. Your existence always exists and never does not exist. What is the nature of your existence? It is imperceptible to the senses. It is inconceivable by the mind. It is not a bodily attribute. It is not a limited, embodied ego entity. It is changeless, without parts. It is of the nature of Being-Consciousness-Bliss, and, being changeless, it is eternal. Being bodiless, it is infinite. What you truly are you are always. What are you always? What you are always is never a known or unknown object. So, inquire in a nonobjective manner, and thus discern your true nature. Just Existence exists. The unreal never exists. Existence is Brahman. Existence is the Self. Existence alone is what you are always. To conceive otherwise is mere ignorance. Ignorance is composed of mere imagination in the form of misidentification. By inquiring to know in truth what you are, dissolve the misidentifications. For whom is the ignorance? The Self is not ignorant, and the idea of another self to have the ignorance is itself ignorance. Such is mere imagination and is not at all real. What is real is always so.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:08 // Satsang Om
00:29:38 // Discourse Always Real
01:00:02 // Q1 Easy to discriminate
01:04:15 // Q2 What has the capacity to discriminate?
01:10:17 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:14:59 // Final Meditation
01:16:51 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 21 Verse 33
01:30:19 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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The Knowledge of Existence – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Sep 29, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Existence and how it is known. Dialogues on, freedom from destiny and freewill, humility and inquisitiveness, the infinite light of Consciousness, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 21 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: Verse 19 from Saddarshanam says those who dispute over free will or destiny do not understand the root of those two. What does that have to do with the surrender of the individual?
Nome: Free will, destiny, and anything similar, have their root in the individuality. If the individual himself does not exist, then for whom would the fate or free will pertain? Practice consists in the disillusion of the delusive notion of individuality, or the ego, because the sadhana is the revelation of the nonexistence of the ego, which is its destruction, it would be purposeless to try to apply the two attributes itself, destiny and free will, to the practice itself. Do you understand this?
Questioner: Probably not, because there is struggle and a sense of individuality. Right now, it seems useless to try to comprehend all this, but it is better to focus on “I.”
Nome: Yes, what is it?
Questioner: If Existence is one, then that is the place to start.
Nome: The end is the beginning. Inquire to know the real significance of “I.” In this way, you put to an end the imagination. Who is it that does not comprehend? Knowing him, your comprehension is restored.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:43 // Satsang Om
00:19:36 // Discourse The Knowledge of Existence
00:41:50 // Q1 If the individual does not exist
00:49:35 // Q2 By humility and inquisitiveness
00:58:39 // Q3 Column of light
01:20:30 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:26:30 // Final Meditation
01:28:22 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 21 Verse 17
01:41:15 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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Who You Are – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Jan 7, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the Self. Dialogues on freedom from frustration, knowledge and words, spiritual depth, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Taittiriya Upanishad and in Tamil from chapter 9 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: The notion is that what is perceived gives pleasure. To give up this tendency requires Knowledge that is deeper than words, and it seems difficult.
Nome: Yes, it requires depth. At what depth do you feel you exist? Certainly, you do not depend on sense perspective to know your Existence. Similarly, thought is not required to know the Self. Listening, reflecting, deeply meditating upon the truth, upon the Knowledge of the Self, what in you resonates with this?
Questioner: That it is true.
Nome: Is listening about the words, or is listening about something deeper? When you reflect upon the instruction, is it just memory of words, or is remembrance more of abidance? Such is stated in the initial verse of Sat Darshanam, abidance is the remembrance. When you deeply meditate and become absorbed, is it merely words?
Questioner: Knowledge is gained. What used to make me suffer no longer does so.
Nome: How do you know the Self? How do you know when you are happy?
Questioner: It does not require thought.
Nome: That which is happiness itself knows itself. That which is Consciousness itself knows itself. You seek Knowledge; that is right. You are the Knowledge. It is not something possessed that can be lost. Existence is Consciousness. Consciousness is supreme Knowledge. If there is any doubt regarding such, seek to know the nature of the doubter. If the one who is supposedly ignorant is found, his ignorance is gone. Can you really forget yourself? The Knowledge is innate, the same as Existence.
Questioner: Thank you.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:49 // Satsang Om
00:24:27 // Discourse Who You Are
00:42:18 // Q1 Can objects make you happy?
00:49:29 // Q2 Is listening to the teaching about the words?
00:59:38 // Q3 Does the Self have a location?
01:05:33 // Recitation Taittiriya Upanishad
01:20:01 // Final Meditation
01:21:53 // Recitation Ribhu Chapter 9 Verse 1
01:31:52 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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If Only – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on January 14, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on Self-Knowledge. Dialogues on freedom from delusion, what needs to be done, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from Taittiriya Upanishad and in Tamil from chapter 9 of the Song of Ribhu.
Questioner: It is very clear that happiness is within and yet there is constant pursuit of pleasure.
Nome: It is the pursuit of your Self. The seeking for happiness is seeking for the Self.
Questioner: But I mistake it to be outside myself, even after hearing the truth. It is a force of habit.
Nome: What constitutes the force of habit? Habits do not occur on their own. They are something that you have to conceive or imagine. Objects of pleasure do not provide happiness. Happiness, whenever experienced, wells up from within. So, what is your within-ness? Can it be apart from you? You yourself are the happiness, just as you yourself are Existence. To conceive otherwise is known as delusion or ignorance. Delusion is only due to the belief in it. If you do not believe the delusion, it does not occur. You will not be permanently satisfied with anything less than the very source of happiness itself.
Questioner: The delusion that has built up over my life, and strengthened by habit, can be instantly broken if what you say is understood.
Nome: Yes, one speaks of the force of ignorance or the power of illusion, but what makes that up? The unreal does not really have a power save that which you give to it. All power lies in the Self, not in ignorance.
Questioner: To harness that power, there has to be conviction and clarity of thought, otherwise the power is not realized.
Nome: The Self is reality. What can be more powerful than reality?
Questioner: Then why does it seem difficult? Is following the Guru’s words enough?
Nome: If you inquire deeply and steadily to realize your true nature ignorance will be found to be missing any power at all. The delusion never declares itself. You have to think it. Continue to inquire as to what in truth you are, and all the vasanas or tendencies, and habits will dissolve.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:15:31 // Satsang Om
00:23:26 // Discourse If Only
00:37:39 // Q1 Seeking happiness is seeking for yourself
00:50:02 // Q2 Examining delusion
00:52:40 // Q3 Keep in mind what you need to know
00:59:34 // Recitation Taittiriya Upanishad
01:08:04 // Final Meditation
01:09:56 // Recitation Ribhu Chapter 9 Verse 16
01:20:07 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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The Self – Satsang
Recorded at Society of Abidance in Truth (SAT Temple) on Sep 22, 2024. Initial silence followed by spiritual instruction on the nature of the Existence and Consciousness of the Self. Dialogues on thought and the transcendent Self, freedom from action, transcendence over the senses, Arunachala, and other spiritual topics. Concludes with a recitation in Sanskrit and English of verses from the Bhagavad Gita and in Tamil from chapter 21 of the Song of Ribhu.
Nome’s Discourse: What is the nature of your Self? It is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss without a beginning or an end. Never does Existence not exist. It is always and, being always, it is immutable, changeless. Being ever-existent, it is bodiless and formless. It is not individualized. Existence is also Consciousness. Never does the Self not know. It always is, it always knows. Its Existence is not dependent on anything else, and that which always knows shines with its own light. It is self-luminous. Its knowledge of itself, Self-Knowledge, is non-objective. The Self is itself happiness, of a nature that is perfectly full. If you cease to misidentify with the body or as an individualized ego entity, the happiness, which is your Being, shines for itself. Between the notions of “I” and “mine” or “this” is spread out all illusion. Cease to imagine “this” and “I” and the nature of Existence is self-evident. That which you truly are is eternal and infinite. It is location-less, and timeless. It is not the body. It cannot be perceived with the senses. It is utterly transcendent of all that constitutes the mind. It is undifferentiated. Just Existence itself knows and is itself. There is not another to do so. Existence is only one. There are not two of you that one should be ignorant of another. Hearing this, reflect upon it deeply and meditate on the truth of it.
00:00:00 // Puja in the Mandiram
00:16:10 // Satsang Om
00:20:50 // Discourse The Self
00:41:50 // Q1 You cannot be “this”
00:54:27 // Q2 Not a sensing entity
00:58:02 // Q3 Undifferentiated Consciousness
01:08:26 // Recitation Bhagavad Gita
01:15:04 // Final Meditation
01:16:56 // Ribhu Recitation Chapter 21 Verse 1
01:30:14 // Puja in the Satsang Hall
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