If you wish to make onetime offering, please click on the following link:Offerings
Offerings make possible the existence of our temple and its numerous sacred events and activities that benefit seekers of Self-Realization.
The generous dedication of the seekers and temple members help in the preservation and dissemination of the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, full of Self-Knowledge and devotion.
Seekers who donate at least $125 each month and families that donate at least $175 each month become members of SAT Temple.
For their listening, reflection, and deep meditation, members receive online access to the recordings of the Satsangs through the temple bookstore.
Please use the form below if you wish to make ongoing donations.
You may make your monthly donation by mailing a check, or you may request the temple to charge your credit card automatically every month by providing the credit card information below.
Your donations are very much appreciated and are tax-deductible.